Monday, February 10, 2014

Label Check: Mineral Oil

This is the 3rd in my Label Check series, in which I examine a label ingredient in depth. Here I will examine mineral oil.  Mineral oil is the name given to any various colorless, odorless mixtures of petroleum products. Baby oil is simply mineral oil that has been given a fragrance.
Image from

Mineral oil, in it's various forms, has many uses, including as a laxative, a moisturizer, a medication for diaper rash, furniture polish, air freshener and toilet bowl cleaner. It can be found in makeup, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, and as lubricants for car engines and heavy machinery, just to name a few.

According to the Skin Deep Database, the adverse health effects of exposure to mineral oil include, possible immune system toxicity or possible allergen status. Some carcinogenic concern for aerosolized mineral oil products, and toxicity for non-reproductive organs.  According to the website Livestrong adverse health effects include, vitamin deficiencies, lung damage, birth defects, brain embolism, and gastrointestinal problems.

If you are looking for an alternative to mineral oil, you might want to try plant-based essential oils.


  1. Mineral Oil is really an essential ingredient to produce multiple products. It has the extensive use in industry and science since early 19th century.

    1. Yes, but just because it has been used repeatedly, does not mean it is safe. As science improves, we learn more about the products we use everyday. Diethylstibestrol was a pharmaceutic drug given to women for decades. We now know that it causes multiple cancers.
