Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Toxic Babies

Did you know that the typical North American newborn has hundreds of toxic chemicals present in their cord blood at birth? These toxins include both industrial chemicals and chemicals from everyday personal care products. This is particularly disturbing because newborns don't have established detoxification systems yet, nor is there a blood-brain barrier established to protect their developing brains.

How do the babies get these chemicals into their systems? Well, it turns out that the placenta doesn't block or filter out toxins. Some of the chemicals detected include pesticides, the industrial coolant PCBs, non-stick pan coatings, BPA, and flame retardants. A recent study, written about in Scientific American showed that minority groups have higher levels of chemicals in their cord blood and that this may lead to disproportionately higher rates of chronic disease in minority communities; see Health based on where you live.

Another study by the Environmental Working Group, examined 10 babies and found, on average 200 chemicals in the cord blood. The study also found the following  health effects. 
  • "134 have shown to cause cancer in lab animals or people.
  • 151 are associated with causing birth defects.
  • 154 are endocrine disruptors, they interfere with the body’s hormonal system and produce adverse developmental, reproductive, neurological, and immune effects.
  • 186 are linked to infertility.
  • 130 are immune system toxins.
  • 158 are neurotoxins."
Those are pretty scare numbers! So how can you minimize exposure while pregnant? Well, the Environmental Working Group has a few suggestions.
  • "Buy organic.
  • Eat fish that is low in mercury.
  • Filter tap water. Check out the Environmental Working Group’s National Drinking Water database.
  • Use cast-iron and stainless steel cookware instead of nonstick products.
  • Shop smart for personal care products, such as shampoos, cosmetics and toothpastes. Stay away from nail polish and dark hair dye and check out other products on the Environmental Working Group’s Skin Deep database."

 Be sure to check out my previous posts on Toxic Chemicals to Avoid to help with your shopping. 

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