Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Toxic Chemicals at your fingertips.

Who doesn't love to paint their fingernails, or toenails for that matter; especially as the weather warms and the sandals come out? For many of us, it is a special indulgence, a bright spot in a stressful week. It's like changing your hair color, but less expensive and less time consuming.

Image from
In 2006, health advocates began raising alarms and awareness about three chemicals in nail polish (including top and base coats) referred to as "the toxic trio," According to the New York Times;  
"The trio consisted of a known carcinogen, formaldehyde, used as a hardening agent, and two materials linked to developmental defects: toluene, to evenly suspend color, and the plasticizer dibutyl phthalate, or DBP, to add flexibility and sheen."
Nail polish manufacturers said that they removed these chemicals from their products and began to label their polishes "non-toxic." However, a 2012 study by the California Environmental Protection Agency: California Department of Substances Control found that the "numerous" companies continued to use one, two, or all three chemicals in their polishes. A highlight video of the study is below.
These chemicals are toxic to both nail technicians and consumers, including pregnant women & children. (Phthalates pose a developmental risk to children, and children tend to chew on their nails). Adverse health effects of exposure include, asthma, birth defects and cancer. To find a safe brand, use the Skin Deep Database at

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